Ten – Something Wicked This Way Comes

Ten – Something Wicked This Way Comes
Mari’s score 88/100 pts.
テン は、1995年にソロ・シンガーとして活動していたゲイリー・ヒューズ(Vo)によって結成された、イングランド出身のハードロック・バンド。
バンドのファースト アルバム ( X) は 1996 年 5 月にリリース。
1996年9月にリリースされたセカンドアルバムThe Name of the Rose は、批評家から熱狂的な支持を得た。
そしてサードアルバムは1997年9月にThe Robe がリリース。
The Robe は Ten の全体的なサウンドに変化をもたらし、壮大な雰囲気と影響が組み合わさったメロディアスなハード ロックになった。
1999 年 4 月に4枚目のスタジオ アルバムSpellboundをリリース。これはヨーロッパで最も成功した 10 枚のアルバムの 1 つ。
2001 年 12 月、Ten はFar Beyond the Worldをリリース
Return to Evermore (2004)
The Twilight Chronicles (2006)
Stormwarning (2011)
Heresy and Creed (2012)
Albion (2014)
Isla De Muerta (2015)
Gothica (2017)
Illuminati (2018)
Here Be Monsters (2022)
これは16枚目のスタジオアルバムで2023年1月にリリースされた。Dennis Ward (アメリカのベーシスト兼音楽プロデューサーであり、ピンク クリーム 69 とユニソニック バンドの創設者)が本作もミックスとマスターを担当。
Gary Hughes – Vocals, Guitar, Backing Vocals
Dann Rosingana – Guitars
Steve Grocott – Guitars
Darrel Treece-Birch – Keyboards
Steve McKenna – Bass
Markus Kullman – Drums
個人的にこのアルバムは前作のHere Be Monstersよりも好きだ。
一曲一曲のクオリティが高い。キャッチーだな、と思う箇所が多い。これは好みの問題もあるが、曲の配置も良いのか、同じように聴こえないように配慮されている。ゲイリー・ヒューズは非常に歌唱力があり、低音から高音と流れるように滑らかに歌うので、安心して聴ける。だがある意味ブレがないので、曲の配置で変化を付けているのかもしれない。お気に入りは全曲と言いたいが、The Only Way Outが一番好きだ。ゲイリーのメロウな歌声と、キーボードが印象的なポップ調で、キャッチーさ全開の曲がバランスが取れていて、すごくいい。ギターソロも入るがこれもスパイスになっていて、良い仕事をしているし、何回も聞きたくなる。

Ten – Something Wicked This Way Comes
Mari’s score 88/100 pts.
Ten is an English hard rock band formed in 1995 by Gary Hughes (Vo), who was active as a solo singer.
The band’s first album (X) was released in May 1996.
Their second album, The Name of the Rose, released in September 1996, was met with enthusiastic critical acclaim.
The Robe was released in September 1997.
The Robe marked a change in the overall sound of Ten, which was now melodic hard rock combined with epic atmospheres and influences.
This was his one of his ten most successful albums in Europe.
Babylon , which was released in August 2000 and featured keyboard player Don Airey , was a concept album which was set in the future and was based around the story of a computer programmer and his tragic love affair.
In December 2001, Ten released Far Beyond the World.Since then, They have released albums consistently.
Return to Evermore (2004)
The Twilight Chronicles (2006)
Stormwarning (2011)
Heresy and Creed (2012)
Albion (2014)
Isla De Muerta (2015)
Gothica (2017)
Illuminati (2018)
Here Be Monsters (2022)
This is their 16th studio album and was released in January 2023.
Gary Hughes – Vocals, Guitar, Backing Vocals
Dann Rosingana – Guitars
Steve Grocott – Guitars
Darrel Treece-Birch – Keyboards
Steve McKenna – Bass
Markus Kullman – Drums
Dennis Ward (American bassist and music producer and founder of Pink Cream 69 and the Unisonic Band) also mixed and mastered this album.
What a surprise, he just released an album last year, and now he continues with the release of a studio album. It shows how energetic and talented Gary Hughes is.
Gary Hughes’ soft and relaxed voice is deeply touching and tasteful.Welcome back Gary!
Personally, I like this album better than his last album Here Be Monsters.
The quality of each song is excellent. There are many parts that I think are catchy. This is partly a matter of taste, but the placement of the songs is also well thought out so that they don’t sound the same. Gary Hughes is a very good singer and sings smoothly and fluidly from low to high notes, so you can listen to him comfortably.
Maybe that’s why he makes changes in the placement of the songs. I would say my favorite is all of the songs, but The Only Way Out is my favorite. It has a great balance between Gary’s mellow voice and a pop tone with impressive keyboards and full-on catchiness. There is also a guitar solo that comes in and spices things up, which does a good job and makes you want to listen to it over and over again.
If you can release this much in one year, I expect more every year, thanks Gary!
