Twilight Force – At The Heart Of Wintervale

Twilight Force – At The Heart Of Wintervale
Mari’s score 87/100 pts.
トワイライトフォースは2011年に結成されたスウェーデンのシンフォニック パワー メタルバンド。ファンタジックな歌詞とLARPスタイル(Live Action Role Playingの頭文字をとったもので、リアルにRPGを行うということ)の衣装でステージ上で演奏することで知られている。
バンドの主な歌詞のテーマは、キーボーディストのDaniel Beckmanによって作られたTwilight Kingdomsと呼ばれる架空の世界の伝説に基づいている。
アイデアは、2000年代半ばにギタリストのPhilip LindhとキーボーディストのDaniel Beckmanによって考案された。当時のプロジェクトはほとんどコンセプチュアルなものだったが、2人は2011年に実際にバンドを結成する前からTwilight Forceの最初の2枚のアルバムに収録されている曲の多くを書き上げることになる。これらの曲の中には、ファーストアルバムに収録されなかったものもあり、代わりに後の作品に使用されることになる。
デビュー・アルバム、『Tales of Ancient Prophecies』は2014年にリリースされた。このアルバムはスウェーデンのチャートで29位を記録した。その直後、バンドはセカンド・アルバムの作曲を開始した。
2016 年8 月、彼らは Joakim Brodén と Fabio Lione をゲスト ボーカリストとして迎え、Heroes of Mighty Magic をリリースした。
2017 年 10 月初旬、クリスチャン・エリクソンがバンドを脱退したことが発表された。
2017年10月から11月にかけて行われたDragonForceのスペシャル・ゲストとしてのツアーでは、一時的にTommy Johanssonと交代していた。
エリクソンは、他のバンドメンバーから突然、自分がバンドの一員でなくなったというメールを受け取り、今後のツアーのために一時的に代役のトミー・ヨハンソンを見つけたと主張している。バンドは彼の作品への貢献を「存在しない」と挙げている。2018年6月、Trick or TreatのAlessandro Conti、元Luca TurilliのRhapsodyが新ヴォーカリストとして発表された。
2019年 3 枚目のアルバムDawn of the Dragonstarをリリース。
アレッサンドロ・コンティ(アリオン) – ヴォーカル(2018年~)(『トリック・オア・トリート』『ルカ・トゥリリ・ラプソディ』)。
フィリップ・リンド(リンド) – リードギター、アコースティックギター、リュート(2011年~現在)
ヨッケ・レアンドロ・ヨハンソン(Aerendir) – リズムギター(2013年~)。
ダンダー・ビョーン・ルンドクヴィスト (ボーン) – ベース (2013年~)
Daniel Beckman (Blackwald) – キーボード、ピアノ、ヴァイオリン、チェンバロ (2011年~)
イザック・オルソン(デアズシュ) – ドラム(2019年~現在)

Twilight Force – At The Heart Of Wintervale
Mari’s score 87/100 pts.
Twilight Force is a Swedish symphonic power metal band formed in 2011.They are known for their fantastic lyrics and LARP-style costumes that they perform on stage. The band’s main lyrical theme is based on the legend of a fictional world called Twilight Kingdoms, created by keyboardist Daniel Beckman.
The idea for Twilight Force was conceived in the mid-2000s by guitarist Philip Lindh and keyboardist Daniel Beckman. Although the project was mostly conceptual at the time, the two would write many of the songs on Twilight Force’s first two albums before actually forming the band in 2011. Some of these songs did not make it onto the first album and would instead be used on later works.
Their debut album, Tales of Ancient Prophecies, was released in 2014. The album reached #29 on the Swedish charts. Shortly after, the band began writing their second album.
In August 2016 they released Heroes of Mighty Magic with Joakim Brodén and Fabio Lione as guest vocalists.
In early October 2017, it was announced that Christian Eriksson had left the band.
He was temporarily replaced by Tommy Johansson during their tour as a special guest of DragonForce in October and November 2017. Eriksson claims that he suddenly received a text from the other band members saying that he was no longer part of the band, and that they had found a temporary replacement, Tommy Johansson, for their upcoming tour. Additionally, the band cited his contribution to the works of the band as “nonexistent”. In June 2018, Alessandro Conti of Trick or Treat and formerly of Luca Turilli’s Rhapsody was announced as the new vocalist.
Their third album, Dawn of the Dragonstar, was released in 2019.
On November 5, 2019, the band announced that drummer Daniel Sjögren had departed the band. Sjögren clarified that his decision to leave the band was amicable. Isak Olsson, also from Falun, was immediately brought in to fill the role of De’Azsh.
This album was the band’s fourth studio album and was released in January 2023.
Current members
Alessandro Conti (Allyon) – vocals (2018–present) (Trick or Treat, Luca Turilli’s Rhapsody)
Philip Lindh (Lynd) – lead guitar, acoustic guitar, lute (2011–present)
Jocke Leandro Johansson (Aerendir) – rhythm guitar (2013–present)
Dunder Björn Lundqvist (Born) – bass (2013–present)
Daniel Beckman (Blackwald) – keyboards, piano, violin, cembalo (2011–present)
Isak Olsson (De’Azsh) – drums (2019–present)
This is the second studio album after replacing the current vocalist Alessandro Conti, who replaced the previous vocalist who was fired in a shocking email.
He also played in the Italian band Trick or Treat and has been an original member of the band since its founding in 2002.
The band’s fourth studio album was released in January 2023.
This is the second studio album after replacing the current vocalist, Alessandro Conti, who replaced the previous vocalist who was fired in a shocking email.
He has also worked with the Italian band Trick or Treat and has been an original member of the band since its inception in 2002.
This has proven his vocal ability, and the addition of Twilight Force’s sound to the mix shows a certain level of quality.
And consistently, Twilight Force’s sound style has remained the same since their debut album. Therefore, fans who have been waiting for their new release will definitely be pleased.
Fantastic, epic, and dramatic. The atmosphere of the album as a whole is perfectly suited to the worldview imagined by the album cover. Catchy and melodious. Just the right amount of uplifting and tension without being too melancholic. Nothing new to add, but a good piece of work that can be listened to without worry!
