Signum Regis – Undivided
Mari’s score 88/100 pts.
シグナム・レジスは2007年にベーシストでリーダーのRonnie König ( Vindex,ex-Trigger, ex-Symphonity)によって結成されたスロバキアのパワーメタルバンド。メンバーのほとんどは、Vindexと呼ばれるメタルバンドのメンバーだった。
2007年、Ronnie König はヴォーカリストのGöran Edmanとともにセルフタイトルのアルバム制作を開始、2008年ロコモーティブ・レコードからファーストアルバムSignum Regis がリリースされた。当時のラインナップは
Ronnie König Bass
Filip Koluš Guitars
Ado Kaláber Guitars
Ján Tupý Keyboards
Göran Edman Vocals
Luděk Struhař Drums
The Eyes of Power(2010)
Chapter IV: The Reckoning(2015)ヴォーカルがMayo Petraninに交代
Decennium Primum(2017)
2018年9月11日、バンドは公式Facebookページでリード・シンガーのMayo Petraninがバンドを脱退することを伝発表した2019年6月、Jota Fortinhがシグナム・レジスの新しいリード・シンガーになった。『The Seal of a New World』は2019年11月にリリースされ素晴らしい評価を得た。
このアルバムは彼らの7 枚目のアルバムでUndividedは2023年11月にリリースされた。
音的には結構ソリッドで、古典的というか、それでいてキャッチーでアップリフティングなサビが突然あったりする。すげえわ、センスがすごい、ちょっと初期のNocturnal Ritesっぽいメロとかたまらん。ツインギターのハモリとかもあるし^^
リーダーさんのベーシストRonnie König さんは1982年生まれ42歳だってさ、これから何十枚と傑作アルバムを作ってくれるんだろうな。正直彼さえいればSignum Regisやしね。
7枚のフルアルバムリリースしてて現在のヴォーカル、Jota Fortinhoは今回で2作目。ワイルドでラフな声質とスタイルで技術的にもパフォーマンス的にも申し分ない^^やっぱりリーダーしっかりしてるとブレない。。
Signum Regis – Undivided
Mari’s score 88/100 pts.
Signum Regis is a Slovak power metal band formed in 2007 by bassist and leader Ronnie König (Vindex, ex-Trigger, ex-Symphonity). Most of the members were members of a metal band called Vindex.
In 2007, Ronnie König started working on a self-titled album with vocalist Göran Edman, and the first album Signum Regis was released in 2008 on Locomotive Records. The lineup was
Ronnie König Bass
Filip Koluš Guitars
Ado Kaláber Guitars
Ján Tupý Keyboards
Göran Edman Vocals
Luděk Struhař Drums
Albums released since then:
The Eyes of Power (2010)
Exodus (2013)
Chapter IV: The Reckoning (2015), with vocals replaced by Mayo Petranin
Decennium Primum (2017)
On September 11, 2018, the band announced on their official Facebook page that lead singer Mayo Petranin would be leaving the band in June 2019, Jota Fortinh became the new lead singer of Signum Regis. The Seal of a New World was released in November 2019 to excellent reviews.
This album is their seventh album and Undivided was released in November 2023.
I’ve always thought they were a brilliant band, but seriously, I think everything about them is amazing. The band is an orthodox power metal band from Slovakia, Signum Regis (the sign of the king), a band that leaves its mark with every full album.
It’s solid, it’s classic, and yet there’s a catchy, uplifting chorus all of a sudden. The melody is a bit like early Nocturnal Rites, and I love it. There are some twin guitar harmonies ^^.
The leader of the band, bassist Ronnie König, was born in 1982 and is 42 years old. I’m sure he will make dozens of great albums in the near future.
I am very happy when I come across such a talented musician and band.
It’s been 4 years since their last album, but before that, they released an album every 2 or 3 years consistently, and they are a stable band that I can watch over with confidence. I am really happy.
They have released 7 full-length albums, and this is the second album for the current vocalist, Jota Fortinho. His voice and style are wild and rough, and his technical and performance skills are perfect ^^ It’s good to have a great leader.
Personally, I think this band has a long career, as if they are still releasing music after 20 years.