Treat – The Endgame

Treat – The Endgame
Mari’s score 90/100 pts.
彼らは以前の作品から18年を経て2010年に6枚目のスタジオアルバム「Coup de Grace」をリリース。
Treatに関してはCoup de Graceで度肝を抜かれ、その後の2枚も素晴らしいアルバムで見事としか言えない出来であった。ベテラン北欧メロディックロックバンドの代表的バンドとして、ひときわ光彩を放っている。非の打ち所がない。

Treat – The Endgame
Mari’s score 90/100 pts.
Treat is a Swedish hard rock band formed in 1983. The band broke up once in 1992.
They released their sixth studio album “Coup de Grace” in 2010, 18 years after their previous work.
This is their 9th studio album. Released in April 2022.
Bassist Narry Paulson returns to the band.
As for Treat, I was amazed at the Coup de Grace, and both of the albums released after that album were excellent. The most wonderful as a representative band of veteran Scandinavian melodious rock band. definitely!
This album is a masterpiece. A very satisfying work.
It’s a catchy, clear and beautiful melody, sometimes melancholic, and positive with an American atmosphere. It’s comfortable.
Why do they come up with good melodies one after another? It has been about 40 years since the band was formed. They show that aging is by no means a negative thing, and that there is no limit to the possibilities.
