Steel Panther – On The Prowl
Mari’s score 85/100 pts.
スティール・パンサー(Steel Panther)は、アメリカ合衆国出身のグラムメタル・バンド。2000年代前半にL.A.ガンズに在籍していたMichael Starrを中心に結成され、初期は”Danger Kitty”、”Metal Skool”と名乗り、最終的に現在のバンド名、スティールパンサーに変更された。
2008年4月、バンドはMetal SkoolからSteel Pantherに改名。
2009年、『鋼鉄の女豹』(Feel the Steel)でメジャーデビュー。
Feel the Steelはビルボードコメディチャートで1位、ビルボード200チャートで123位でデビューし、最終的にはビルボード200チャートで98位を記録した。
2011年セカンドアルバム『Balls Out』をリリース。
2014年、独立レーベル「Open E Music」を設立し、3rdアルバム『鋼鉄の宴』(All You Can Eat)をリリース。
2017年、4thアルバム『鋼鉄酒場!』(Lower the Bar)をリリース。
マイケル・スター (Michael Starr:Ralph Saenz) – ボーカル (2000– )
サッチェル (Satchel:Russ Parrish) – ギター (2000– )
ジョー・レスター (Spyder:Joe Lester) – ベース (2022 – )
スティックス・ザディニア (Stix Zadinia:Darren Leader) – ドラムス (2003– )
今回のアルバムからベースにジョー・レスター が加入。スパイダーはマイケル・スターとサッチェルが以前にやっていたバンド『ATOMIC PUNKS』のベーシストで、スティール・パンサーにはツアー・マネージャーやギター・テックとして、また2018年のツアーではサポート・ベーシストとして関わっていた。
Steel Panther – On The Prowl
Mari’s score 85/100 pts.
Steel Panther is a glam metal band from the United States, formed in the early 2000s by Michael Starr, a member of L.A. Guns, In the beginning, the band called themselves “Danger Kitty” and “Metal Skool,” and eventually changed to their current name, Steel Panther.Their lineup consisted of lead vocalist Ralph Saenz (“Michael Starr”), guitarist Russ Parrish (“Satchel”), bassist Travis Haley (“Lexxi Foxx”) and drummer Darren Leader (“Stix Zadinia”).
The band played shows on Hollywood’s Sunset Strip, played covers of hair metal hits, and was a comic and tribute band.
In April 2008, the band decided to change their name from Metal Skool to Steel Panther.
Steel Panther released Feel the Steel on June 8, 2009 in the United Kingdom and on October 6, 2009 in North America through Universal Republic , making it their major record label debut.
Feel the Steel debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard Comedy chart, No. 123 on the Billboard 200 chart and would eventually peak at No. 98 on the Billboard 200 chart.
In 2011, the band released their second album, Balls Out.
In 2014, they founded the independent label Open E Music and released their third album (All You Can Eat).
In 2017, they released their 4th album (Lower the Bar)
In July 2021, Lexie Fox (bass) left the band; in September 2022, Spider (Joe Lester) joined the band to replace the departed Lexie Fox.
This was their fifth studio album and was released in February 2023.
Current members
Ralph “Michael Starr” Saenz – lead vocals (2000–present)
Russ “Satchel” Parrish – guitars, backing vocals, acoustic guitar (2000–present)
Darren “Stix Zadinia” Leader – drums, keyboards, piano, backing vocals (2003–present)
Joe “Spyder” Lester – bass, backing vocals (2022–present)
However. I wonder how this release is allowed when there is so much talk about compliance and harassment.
The music video is more sexual than I expected, and so are the lyrics of the songs. But no matter how much the era changes, their style remains the same. The other day, a high school student, the son of a friend of mine, called out to a female teacher, ” Teacher, you’re so slim! He was warned that he was being sexually harassed. He was warned that he was being sexually harassed. I feel that we cannot say anything anymore.
Well, this is a little off topic from the review, but heavy metal and hard rock music were originally born out of a spirit of rebellion, so perhaps there is a similar sympathy among those who like their music. If this is their musical style and their unique way of expressing themselves, welcome to it. To listen or not to listen, to see or not to see, it is up to you.
Joe Lester joins the band on bass for this album. Spyder was the bassist in Michael Starr and Satchel’s previous band, ATOMIC PUNKS, and was involved with Steel Panther as tour manager, guitar tech, and support bassist for the 2018 tour.
Their musical style remains the same as in their past work, and they have not disappointed their longtime fans. As one would expect from veterans of the band, their wealth of experience shows.
This is quality hard rock that takes you back to the 80s. With uplifting songs with catchy choruses and beautiful melodies like the ballad “1987,” you can really expect more from this band in the future!