Angra – Cycles Of Pain

Angra – Cycles Of Pain
Mari’s score 88/100 pts.
ラファエル・ビッテンコートとアンドレ・マトスがメイン・ソングライターとして頭角を現し、このラインナップが初期の楽曲の多くを作曲した。最初に書かれた曲のうち2曲は “Time “と “Angels Cry “で、どちらもバンドのファースト・アルバムに収録された。マトスとビッテンコートが作曲した “Queen of the Night “は、原題は “Rainha”(”Queen”)で、ビッテンコートとアントゥネスの前のバンドの曲のひとつだった。Carry On “はアンドレ・マトスが作曲し、バンドに持ち込まれた。1992年初頭、アンドレ・リンハレスに代わってアンドレ・エルナンデスが加入。彼の在籍期間は同じく短く、1992年後半にキコ・ルーレイロがバンドに加入した。Evil Warningという曲が作られたのはエルナンデスの在籍中だった。最後にビッテンコートの「Reaching Horizons」が加えられた。これら6曲のデモテープ『Reaching Horizons』は1993年にリリースされた。
ファースト・アルバム『Angels Cry』のレコーディング・セッション中にマルコス・アントゥネスが脱退し、アレックス・ホルツワースを含む多くのセッション・ドラマーがアルバムを完成させた。その後、リカルド・コンフェッソーリが後任として加入。このラインナップ・チェンジにより、1993年から2000年まで安定したラインナップが続いた。Angels Cryはドイツのガンマ・レイのギタリスト、カイ・ハンセンのスタジオでレコーディングされた。
このアルバムはケイト・ブッシュの「Wuthering Heights」のカヴァーのほか、クラシックの影響も多く含まれている。このアルバムは、ブラジルのみならず日本でも一定の成功を収めた。
オーケストラ、聖歌隊、ブラジルのリズムを取り入れた壮大なプロジェクト『Holy Land』は1996年にリリースされた。
1998 年に4枚目のアルバム「ファイアーワークス」をリリース。
Temple of Shadows は、2004 年 にリリースされた。再びデニス ウォードがプロデュース。 このアルバムにはゲストボーカリストとしてカイ・ハンセン(ガンマ・レイ)、ザビーネ・エーデルスバッハー(エデンブリッジ)、ハンシ・クルシュ(ブラインド・ガーディアン)、そしてブラジルのフォークとフュージョンのレジェンドであるミルトン・ナシメントが参加した。 『Temple of Shadows』は、初のコンセプト・アルバムであった。
その後2006年、ANGRAはプロデューサーのデニス・ワードと再び新作『Aurora Consurgens』を制作し、『Rebirth』と同様にノンコンセプトのアルバムに焦点を当てた。
2008年、歌手のエドゥ・ファラスキは当初、ANGRAは「解雇された」と発言したと報じられたが、これは誤解であり誤報であったことが後に明らかになった。エドゥは後に、先の発言の意味を明らかにした: 「ANGRAは終了したのではなく、休止しているんだ。バンドは難しいマネージメントの問題を経験しており、我々全員がツアーに戻るために最善を尽くしている」 2009年、バンドの公式サイトは閉鎖された。2009年、バンドの公式サイトが閉鎖され、代わりにトップページでサイトが工事中であること、近日中にニュースが発表されることが告知された。2009年3月、バンドの公式サイトは、自身のバンドHangarに全力を注ぐためにバンドを脱退したアキレス・プリースターに代わり、ドラマーリカルド・コンフェッソーリが9年間の活動休止を経てANGRAに復帰したことを発表した。
2012年5月23日、エドゥ・ファラスキは脱退を発表した。バンドのマネージメントはマトスに復帰の可能性を打診したが、彼はそれを断った。ファビオ・リオーネ(元Labyrinth, Rhapsody of Fire)が3人目のヴォーカリストとなった。
2015年ANGRAはロック・イン・リオで特別ゲストのドロ・ペッシュとディー・スナイダーと共演した。また、ショーの途中で3人目のサプライズ・ゲストが発表された。リード・ギタリストのマルセロ・バルボーザは、キコ・ルーレイロ がその年の初めにメガデスに加入した後、キコ・ルーレイロの後任としてツアーに参加することが明らかになった。 バンドは2018年2月16日に9枚目のスタジオ・アルバム『Ømni』を全世界でリリース。
このアルバムは彼らの10 枚目のアルバムで 2023 年 11 月 にリリースされた。

Angra – Cycles Of Pain
Mari’s score 88/100 pts.
Angra is a Brazilian power metal band formed in 1991.
Angra was formed in November 1991[2] by Santa Marcelina Music College students vocalist Andre Matos and guitarists Rafael Bittencourt and André Linhares. They were joined by Bittencourt’s former bandmate Marcos Antunes (drums) and bassist Luís Mariutti (ex-Firebox).
This line-up composed a number of the earliest songs, with Rafael Bittencourt and Andre Matos emerging as the main songwriters. Two of the first songs written were “Time” and “Angels Cry”, which both featured on the band’s first album. The song “Queen of the Night”, composed by Matos and Bittencourt, was originally titled “Rainha” (“Queen”) and had been one of the songs from Bittencourt and Antunes previous band. The song “Carry On” was composed by Andre Matos and brought to the band. In the beginning of 1992, André Linhares was replaced by André Hernandes. His stay was equally brief and Kiko Loureiro joined the band in late 1992. It was during Hernandes’ time in the band that the song “Evil Warning” was written. Finally they added “Reaching Horizons” by Bittencourt. These six songs resulted in a demo-tape Reaching Horizons that was released in 1993 through Limb Music in Germany.
During the recording sessions for their first album Angels Cry, Marcos Antunes left the band. A number of session drummers, including Alex Holzwarth were used to finish the album. Ricardo Confessori was later installed as a permanent replacement. This line-up change established a stable line-up lasted from 1993 to 2000. Angels Cry was recorded at Gamma Ray guitarist Kai Hansen’s studio in Hamburg, Germany.
The album includes a cover of Kate Bush’s “Wuthering Heights,” as well as a number of classical influences. This album achieved some success not only in Brazil but also in Japan.
Holy Land – an ambitious project involving orchestration, choirs, and Brazilian rhythms – was released in 1996.
In 1998, they released their fourth album, “Fireworks.”
During mid-2000 Angra split, parting ways with vocalist Andre Matos who took bassist Luis Mariutti and drummer Ricardo Confessori with him.
In March 2001, the two remaining members, Kiko Loureiro and Rafael Bittencourt, announced the new line-up that included Symbols’ vocalist Edu Falaschi, drummer Aquiles Priester and bassist Felipe Andreoli.
This line-up began recording instantly and the album Rebirth was released in 2001, produced by Dennis Ward. The album was both a critical and commercial success in Brazil and internationally, selling over 100,000 copies worldwide in less than two months.
In 1998, they released their fourth album, Fireworks!
Recording sessions for Temple of Shadows began in 2004, again produced by Dennis Ward. The album featured guest vocalists Kai Hansen (Gamma Ray), Zabine Edelsbacher (Edenbridge), Hansi Krush (Blind Guardian), and Brazilian folk and fusion legend Milton Nascimento. Temple of Shadows was their first concept album.
Later in 2006, Angra worked once again with producer Dennis Ward on their new album, entitled Aurora Consurgens, focusing on a non-concept album as Rebirth was.
In 2008, singer Edu Falaschi was originally reported as saying that Angra “has been terminated,” but this was later revealed to be both a misunderstanding and a misreporting of his words. Edu later clarified what was meant by his earlier comments: “Angra is not done; we’re taking a break, a pause. The band is going through some difficult management issues, and all of us are doing our best to get back on the road.” In 2009, the band’s official site was taken down. Instead, the home page announced that the site was under construction and news would be released soon. In March 2009, the band’s official site announced the return of drummer Ricardo Confessori after a 9-year hiatus to Angra, replacing Aquiles Priester, who left the band to dedicate full force to his band Hangar.
In 2008, singer Edu Falaschi was originally reported as saying that Angra “has been terminated,” but this was later revealed to be both a misunderstanding and a misreporting of his words. Edu later clarified what was meant by his earlier comments: “Angra is not done; we’re taking a break, a pause. The band is going through some difficult management issues, and all of us are doing our best to get back on the road.” In 2009, the band’s official site was taken down. Instead, the home page announced that the site was under construction and news would be released soon. In March 2009, the band’s official site announced the return of drummer Ricardo Confessori after a 9-year hiatus to Angra, replacing Aquiles Priester, who left the band to dedicate full force to his band Hangar.
In 2010, the band released their seventh album, Aqua.
On May 23, 2012, Edu Falaschi issued an open letter in which he announced his departure from Angra. Despite not explaining why, he said he would focus on his future projects, including Almah.Management of the band approached Matos for a possible return, but he declined.Fabio Lione (ex-Labyrinth, Rhapsody of Fire) became the third vocalist for the band.
In 2014, drummer Ricardo Confessori announced he would end his second tenure with the band. He was later replaced by 23-year-old Bruno Valverde.
In November 2014, the band announced their eighth studio album, Secret Garden, that was released on December 17 in Japan and on January 16, 2015 in Brazil and Europe.
On September 19, 2015, Angra performed at Rock in Rio with special guests Doro Pesch and Dee Snider. A third, surprise guest was also announced mid-show: lead guitarist Marcelo Barbosa, who was revealed as Loureiro’s touring replacement after the latter had joined Megadeth earlier in the year.[16] The band released their ninth studio album, Ømni, on February 16, 2018 worldwide.
In 2018, Kiko officially left to focus on Megadeth and Marcelo joined as an official member.
This album is their 10th album and was released in November 2023.
After all, their first album was amazing. What a miracle! Other metallers have already told you how impressed they were at the time, so I’ll skip that part.
What is amazing about Angra is that the level of all their releases is very high, starting with the first album.
With the addition of a third vocalist, they have remained at the forefront for 27 years since their formation. (Inactive for two years).
Unfortunately, Rafael Bittencourt is the only original member, but Kiko Loureiro has joined megadeath, and this is something for Angra to be proud of.
What is really great about this album is that it is the Angra sound, something that fans have come to expect, but also something that feels fresh at the same time.
Who could have imagined s
