Heidevolk – Wederkeer

Heidevolk – Wederkeer
Mari’s score 85/100 pts.
Heidevolk は 2002 年に Hymir という名前で結成された。その後、フェルウェの風景に触発されて、Heidevolk (オランダ語で’heath-folk’ or ‘heather folk’) に名前を変更した。
‘heath-folk’ or ‘heather folkとは平原や 湿原に特徴的な、皮のような小さな葉とピンクや紫の小さな鐘型の花を持つ低木のこと。ツツジ科カルーナ属の常緑低木
※フェルウェ は、オランダのヘルダーラント州にある森林が豊富な丘の尾根 (1100 km 2 )でフェルウェには、森林地帯、荒野、いくつかの小さな湖、ヨーロッパ最大の砂の漂流など、さまざまな景観がある。
De strijdlust is geboren (2005)
Wodan heerst (EP, 2007)[6
Walhalla wacht (2008)
Uit oude grond (2010)
Batavi (2012)[7]
Velua (2015)
Vuur van verzet (2018)
Wederkeer (2023)
Rowan Roodbaert Bass, Headless tambourine, Vocals (backing) (2006-present)
Koen Vuurdichter Guitars, Vocals (backing) (2015-present)
Jacco de Wijs Vocals (2016-present)
Mat van Baest Guitars (2020-present)
Kevin van den Heiligenberg Drums (2022-present)
Daniël Wansink Vocals (2022-present)
オランダ語Wederkeerは英語でAgain。伝統的なフォークメタルであり、Heidevolkサウンド。バンド結成時からのオリジナルメンバーはいない。このアルバムでは二人のヴォーカリストのうち一人は新しいボーカリストDaniel Wansink、ドラマーのKevin van den Heiligenberg、ギターのMat van Baestが加入。5年ぶりのニューアルバムであり、このアルバムの良い仕上がりの為に、彼らは全てのエネルギーを注いできたことがうかがえる。

Heidevolk – Wederkeer
Mari’s score 85/100 pts.
Heidevolk is a folk metal band from the Netherlands .
Heidevolk was formed in 2002 under the name Hymir. Later, inspired by the landscape of the Verwe, the name was changed to Heidevolk (“‘heath-folk’ or ‘heather folk’ in Dutch).
*Feluwe is a forested hill ridge (1100 km2 ) in the Dutch province of Helderland, where the landscape of Feluwe includes woodlands, wilderness, several small lakes, and the largest sand drift in Europe.
The band began live performances in 2003. Since then, they have released one demo, six full studio albums, and one EP.
The lyrical themes of their music are inspired by nature, the history of Gelderland , and Germanic mythology .
De strijdlust is geboren (2005)
Wodan heerst (EP, 2007)[6
Walhalla wacht (2008)
Uit oude grond (2010)
Batavi (2012)[7]
Velua (2015)
Vuur van verzet (2018)
Wederkeer (2023)
Current line up
Rowan Roodbaert Bass, Headless tambourine, Vocals (backing) (2006-present)
Koen Vuurdichter Guitars, Vocals (backing) (2015-present)
Jacco de Wijs Vocals (2016-present)
Mat van Baest Guitars (2020-present)
Kevin van den Heiligenberg Drums (2022-present)
Daniël Wansink Vocals (2022-present)
Dutch Wederkeer is Again in English, traditional folk metal with a heidevolk sound. There are no original members from the band’s founding. For this album, one of the two vocalists is new vocalist Daniel Wansink, drummer Kevin van den Heiligenberg and guitarist Mat van Baest joined the band. They have put all their energy into making this album a good one.
First of all, the beautiful double vocal harmonies are perfect. The majestic chorus is catchy. The heavy guitar riffs are powerful and easy to listen to the entire song. This is a piece that will surely satisfy those who like epic/folk metal, which makes you feel as if you are in the middle of a magnificent and beautiful nature.
