Wind Rose – Warfront
Mari’s score 79/100 pts.
ウインド・ローズ は、2009年に結成されたイタリアのヘヴィメタルバンド。
メンバーはオリジナルメンバーである、フランチェスコ・カヴァリエリ (ボーカル)、クラウディオ・ファルコンチーニ(ギター)、フェデリコ・メランダ (キーボード)に、2013より加入のクリスティアーノ・ベルトッキ (ベース、バッキング・ボーカル)( ex-Labÿrinth, ex-Vision Divine)、2018年より加入のフェデリコ・ガッティ (ドラムス)。( ex- Ancient Bards)。
そしてサウンドは 時々ヤリ・マーエンパー率いるウインターサンを思い出させる。
Wind Rose – Warfront
Mari’s score 79/100 pts.
Wind Rose is an Italian heavy metal band formed in 2009.
Initially it was a symphonic metal, power metal style with a progressive element. From the third studio album “Stone hymn”, the musicality has changed to power metal with a stronger folk metal color.
Members are the original members Francesco Cavalieri (vocal), Claudio Falconcini (guitar), Federico Meranda (keyboard), Cristiano Bertocchi (bass, backing vocal) (ex-Labÿrinth, ex-Vision Divine), who joined from 2013. Federico Gatti (Drums) joined from 2018. (Ex-Ancient Bards).
Even in this work, it has a strong music style like a folk.
This is their fifth studio album, released in June 2022.
It is said to be a dwarf power metal, which makes it feel unique.
A very good and decent folk metal album. A work that should be listened to by those who like a dramatic, magnificent and fantastic world.
It’s an album enough to enjoy the atmosphere.
And the sound sometimes reminds you of the winter sun led by Jari Mäenpää.
And the melody is very catchy and comfortable.
However, personally, the melody did not leave a strong impression on me, and I felt like I had heard it somewhere or it was repeated.
But their musical style and world view are consistent, and when you close your eyes while listening to it, a fantastic view emerges.
It’s a good album to enjoy their world.