Scorpions – Rock Believer

Scorpions – Rock Believer
Mari’s score 86/100 pts.
1978年から1992年までのラインナップは、クラウス・マイネ(ボーカル)、ルドルフ・シェンカー(リズムギター)、マティアス・ヤプス(リードギター)、 フランシス・ブッフホルツ(ベース)とハーマン・レーベル(ドラム)。これはグループの中で最も成功した。

Scorpions – Rock Believer
Mari’s score 86/100 pts.
Scorpions is a German hard rock / heavy metal band formed by Rudolf Schenker in 1965.
The lineup from 1978 to 1992 includes Klaus Meine (vocals), Rudolf Schenker (rhythm guitar), Matthias Jabs (lead guitar), Francis Buchholz (bass) and Herman Rarebell (drums).
This was the most successful in the group.
Klaus Meine appears on all Scorpions studio albums.
Matthias Jabs has been a consistent member since 1978. And the bassist Pawel Maciwoda has been with us since 2003.
Drummer Mikkey Dee has been in the band since 2016.
A world-famous rock band with commercial success as an HR / HM band from Germany.
This is their 19th studio album, released in February 2022.
It’s been 50 years since their album debut!
Many listeners say they haven’t been born yet. During the 50 years, they announced that they would stop the band once, but withdrew and kept the top spot.
Germany’s world-class hard rock band.
The reason can be understood by listening to this album.
Includes live anthems like those played at concerts, power ballads, and classic hard rock songs, Klaus Meine is still a stable singing voice and very melodic.
Rudolf Schenker 73, Klaus Meine 74, they seem to be quite old, so I’m not thinking about what’s required for commercial success, but this album is amazing!
This is a solid new Scorpions album that includes all the classic Scorpions sounds that we listeners expect from them, and it’s a very satisfying one.
