Disquiet – Instigate to Annihilate
Mari’s score 81pts.
いろんな要素がうまくミックスされ、若いリスナーに受け入れられやすい 型にとらわれないモダンでエネルギッシュなスラッシュメタル!
Disquiet – Instigate to Annihilate
Mari’sscore 81pts.
Disquiet is a Dutch band formed in 2000.
This is their third studio album, released in May 2022.
They have 2 guitars and 5 members
The music style is melodic thrash metal.
In some songs, the guitar solo is typical thrash metal, and the tempo is fast and it makes you feel Bay Area thrash metal itself. Some songs are melancholic and dark guitar play with growl and half mix vocals, with the atmosphere of death his thrash metal. There is also a clean female vocal song with a metalcore element.Various elements are well mixed.
Modern and energetic thrash metal that is easily accepted by young listeners!