Veonity – Elements Of Power
Mari’s score 82/100 pts.
彼らは2015年に”Gladiator’s Tale”でアルバム・デビューした。
お気に入りの曲を挙げると、”The Surge”。北欧らしさがあり、後半ヘヴィな要素もあり、全体的にエモーショナルな雰囲気で、サビがキャッチー、ドラマティック。ボーカルの声が低音から高音まで使い方がうまく、シンセサイザーのソロの配置も効果的で、長さも程よくコンパクト。
” Dive into the Light “はシングルになった曲で、終始ポジティブな明るいアップテンポの曲で、ツインギターのソロのハモリも、聴いていてとても心地いい。
Veonity – Elements Of Power
Mari’s score 82/100 pts.
Veonity is a Swedish power metal band formed in 2013.
They made their album debut in 2015 with “Gladiator’s Tale”.
This is their fifth studio album, released in February 2022.
A typical melodic speed metal, a fantasy epic metal. High-pitched vocals, glittering synthesizers, beautiful harmony twin guitar solos, up-tempo and catchy melody.
With this, it can be said that they meet the expectations of all melodic speed / power metal fans.
My favorite song is “The Surge”. There is a Scandinavian feel, there are also heavy elements in the second half, the overall emotional atmosphere, the chorus is catchy and dramatic. The vocal voice is good to use from low to high, the arrangement of the synthesizer solo is also effective, and the length is moderately compact.
“Dive into the Light” is a single song, a positive uplifting song from beginning to end, and it’s very comfortable to listen to the solo harmony of the twin guitars.
But overall, I wish I had a song that left a little more impression on me.
This band has a technique and can sing well, so it can be said that it is a good work of a decent melodic speed metal album.