Insania – V(Praeparatus Supervivet)
Mari’s score 90/100 pts.
イントロから以前から指摘されていたオラ・ハーレンのボーカルが改善されていることに気づく。よりパワフルで、安定感があり成長が見られる。そしてジャーマンメタル張りのツインギター。今作はディミトリ・ケイスキがリードボーカルとして3曲歌っており、これが、本当にうまいボーカルで、聞き入ってしまう。後半ツインボーカルで歌い上げるThe Last Hymn to Lifeは個人的にハイライトだ。
Insania – V(Praeparatus Supervivet)
Mari’s score 90/100 pts.
Insania is a Swedish power metal band formed in 1992 by Mikko Korsback (drums) and Henrik Yahano (Disdained) (guitar).
This is the first studio album in 14 years since the release of the previous album, and it was released in November 2021. The members have become a twin guitar system and have returned to a 6-member group. The vocals are lead singer Ora Haren and Dimitri Keiski (keyboard, vocals) who joined from the previous work.
Insania. It’s a band that speed metal fans remembered while expecting the next work.
Actually I was waiting for this time. Finally they did it!
It is no exaggeration to say that this is exactly what all melodic speed metal fans were looking for.
I find that Ora Haren’s vocals, previously pointed out by the intro, have improved. More powerful and growing. And a twin guitar with German metal. In this work, Dimitri Keiski sings three songs as lead vocals, which is a really good vocal and I listen to it. The Last Hymn to Life, which they sing on twin vocals, is a highlight for me.
Finally the masterpiece is completed!