Kissin’ Dynamite – Not The End Of The Road
Mari’s score 79/100 pts.
7枚目のスタジオアルバム。 2022年4月にリリース。
バラード、ポップロックありで様々な魅力満載。実力派、歌唱力抜群、グッドルッキングは花を添えるようなもの。質実剛健ドイツ産HR/HMバンド、Kissin’ dynamite!
Kissin’ Dynamite – Not The End Of The Road
Mari’s score 79/100 pts.
German heavy metal band formed in 2007
This is his seventh studio album, released in April 2022.
Original drummer Andy Schnitzer has left and joined Sebastian Berg as a new member.
This work is accepted by a wide range of listeners. It’s less hard and the sound is closer to the orthodox melodious hard. However, it is a satisfying work because the vocals are unique husky voice and expressive…
There are ballads and pop rock, and it is full of various good points. They are talented, excellent singing ability, not only good looking…
Simple and strong…!
German HR / HM band, Kissin’ dynamite!