Darkthrone – Astral Fortress
Mari’s score 87/100 pts.
ダークスローン は、ノルウェーのブラックメタルバンド。
1986年にドラマーのFenriz(本名Gylve Nagell)らによって ノルウェーにて結成、当初はBlackDeathという名前のデスメタルバンドだった。
1987年に名前をDarkthroneに変更しNocturno Culto(本名Ted Skjellum)はギタリストとして1988年の春に加入。
去年Darkthroneのアルバムの中でもベストアルバムの一つに入るのではないかと言うくらい、評価の高かった作品”Eternal Hails……”をリリースしたばかり。
このAstral Fortress は 前作のEternal Hails よりもアグレッシブさは控えめである。
Darkthrone – Astral Fortress
Mari’s score 87/100 pts.
Darkthrone is a Norwegian black metal band.
The band was formed in Norway by drummer Fenriz (real name Gylve Nagell) and others in 1986, and was originally a death metal band named Black Death.
In 1987, the name was changed to Darkthrone, and Nocturno Culto (real name Ted Skjellum) joined as a guitarist in the spring of 1988.
In 1991, the black metal style changed after the second album and became one of the main bands of Norwegian black metal.
This is their 17th studio album, released in October 2022.
Last year, Darkthrone released “Eternal Hails…”, which was highly praised and was considered to be one of the best albums.
I doubted it was a studio album.
I am totally amazed by their creative spirit.
When I heard about the new album, it exceeded my expectations.
This Astral Fortress is less aggressive than the previous album Eternal Hails.
Basically, it has the same sound style as the previous album, with elements of black metal, doom metal, and death metal.
This album is darker and colder, like the snow scene on the album cover. And the songs are of high quality and match the atmosphere of this album.
And the despairing vocals by the two of them blend into this sound, and it’s epic.
This is one of Darkthrone’s best works, and I can say that it is an excellent work with new discoveries no matter how many times you listen to it.