Orden Ogan – Final Days

Orden Ogan – Final Days
Mari’s score 79/100 pts.
Orden Oganは、1996年にセバスチャン・グリュートリング(ドラム)とセバスチャン・レヴァーマン(リードボーカル、ギター)によって結成されたパワーメタル/プログレッシブメタル・フォークメタルバンド。
Blind Guardianらしさとしばしば表現されたが、そこから遠ざかってしまったという印象。

Orden Ogan – Final Days
Mari’s score 79/100 pts.
Orden Ogan is a power metal / progressive metal folk metal band formed in 1996 by Sebastian Grutling (drum) and Sebastian Leverman (lead vocals, guitar).
This is their 7th studio album. Released in March 2021.
… I was very surprised when I first heard it. I felt that the jacket was quite sophisticated and modern, unlike the previous ones, but is this because it’s a concept album?
Due to their musicality so far, there were songs using synthesizers and middle tempo, but when it comes to this album, it may be said that it is a change of direction.
Often described as a Blind Guardian, it’s hard to say.
The dramatic chorus work and orchestral sound are wonderful and compact. The balance is good by mixing catchy melody and modern taste.
The overall quality is high, but there will be various reactions due to changes in musicality.
