Gloryhammer – Return To The Kingdom Of Fife

Gloryhammer – Return To The Kingdom Of Fife
Mari’s score 82/100 pts.
2010年、ペイガンメタル/パイレーツ・メタルバンド「エイルストーム」のボーカリスト クリストファー・ボウズを中心に、「グローリーハンマー」を結成。バンドメンバーそれぞれが、ストーリーコンセプトのキャラクターを表現している。
Gloryhammerは、2013年3月29日にNapalm Recordsからデビューアルバム「Tales from the Kingdom of Fife」をリリースした。
2015年9月25日、グローリーハンマーはセカンドアルバムをリリースした。『スペース 1992: ライズ オブ ザ カオス ウィザーズ』というタイトルのスタジオ アルバムで、バンドはいくつかの国で公式アルバム チャートに入った。
2019年5月、3rdアルバム『Legends from Beyond the Galactic Terrorvortex』をリリース。
2021年8月22日、Gloryhammerは、Thomas Winklerがバンドを脱退したことを発表した。
新しいボーカリストが加入してからの初めてのアルバム。ソゾス・マイケルはこのような場合、どうしても前任者のAngus McSixと比較されながらの評価となってしまう。個人的に、前任者のAngus よりもソフトでクリアな高音がきれいだと思った。ヘヴィさやアグレッシブさを好むなら、前任者のほうが得意とするところだろう。

Gloryhammer – Return To The Kingdom Of Fife
Mari’s score 82/100 pts.
Gloryhammer is an English power metal band founded by keyboardist Christopher Bowes, lead vocalist of the band Alestorm .
Each member of the band represents a character in the story concept.
Gloryhammer released their debut album Tales from the Kingdom of Fife through Napalm Records on 29 March, 2013.
On September 25, 2015, Glory Hammer released their second album. With the studio album titled Space 1992: Rise of the Chaos Wizards, the band entered the official album charts in several countries.
In May 2019, the 3rd album “Legends from Beyond the Galactic Terrorvortex” was released.
On 22 August 2021, Gloryhammer announced that Thomas Winkler had exited the band.
Winkler addressed the situation, stating he was fired via an email that cited the band’s reasons for his departure as disagreements on business and organizational matters.
In December 2021, Sozos Michael was introduced as the new singer of the band.
This album was their fourth studio album and was released in May 2023.
In December 2021, Sozos Michael was introduced as the band’s new singer.
This album was their fourth studio album and was released in May 2023.
This was the first album after the new vocalist joined the band. Sozos Michael is inevitably compared to their former vocalist, Angus McSix, in such a case. Personally, I thought he had softer, clearer and cleaner high notes than Angus, who was his former predecessor. If you prefer heaviness and aggressiveness, its predecessor is probably better at this.
This is a matter of taste, so it is hard to give a superiority rating. It is clear that the overall image of the album has become more pop and catchy. This has made it possible to approach a wider range of listeners. The sound style is consistently the same: symphonic power metal. If this is the sound of a new band it is fresher, not more of the same, and it is their evolutionary process. This is definitely a good album that will not disappoint old fans.
