Hell In The Club – F.U.B.A.R.
Mari’s score 82/100 pts.
ヘル・イン・ザ・クラブは2009年に結成されたイタリアのハードロックバンド/プロジェクト。バンドメンバ―はElvenking,Secret Sphereのメンバーらによって結成された。
2011年にデビューアルバムLet the Games Beginをリリース。
Andrea “Andy” Buratto(SECRET SPHERE) Bass
Federico “Fede” Pennazzato Drums
Andrea “Picco” Piccardi Guitars (lead)
Davide “Dave” Moras(ELVENKING) Vocals
Devil on My Shoulder(2014)
Shadow of the Monster(2016)
See You on the Dark Side(2017)
Hell of Fame(2020)
Andrea “Andy” Buratto Bass
Andrea “Picco” Piccardi Guitars (lead)
Davide “Dave” Moras Vocals
Marco “Mark” Lazzarini Drums
ヘル・イン・ザ・クラブ。きっと何も知らずにこのアルバムを聴いたら、あれ?と誰もが思う、ユニークなヴォーカルがとてもインパクトのあるバンド。そしてヘヴィメタルファンなら、思い浮かぶバンドがある、それはElvenking。それもそのはず、そのバンドのボーカル、その人がこのバンドのボーカリスト。一貫して音楽性は変わらず、キャッチーで80年代を彷彿させる、メロディアスなハードロック。Elvenking,Secret Sphereのメンバーらを含む、プロジェクトとしてバンド結成となったが、もう14年経過している。
今回も音楽性は変わらず相変わらず、予想を裏切らない展開、さすが。イタリアのバンドでキャリアがあるメンバーというのはやはりすごい、プロフェッショナル。Elvenking,Secret Sphereともにアルバムのリリースされており、ともに最新のリリースは個人的にはかなり良かったので、キャリアの凄さ、才能の豊かさに驚くばかりだ。そして非常にアクティブであること。これはファンにとってうれしい。
Hell In The Club – F.U.B.A.R.
Mari’s score 82/100 pts.
Hell in the Club is an Italian hard rock band/project formed in 2009. The band members were formed by the members of ELVENKING/SECRET SPHERE.
In 2011, they released their debut album Let the Games Begin.
Line up is
Andrea “Andy” Buratto(SECRET SPHERE) Bass
Federico “Fede” Pennazzato Drums
Andrea “Picco” Piccardi Guitars (lead)
Davide “Dave” Moras(ELVENKING) Vocals
Since then, they have consistently released full-length albums.
Devil on My Shoulder(2014)
Shadow of the Monster(2016)
See You on the Dark Side(2017)
Hell of Fame(2020)
The current lineup
Andrea “Andy” Buratto Bass
Andrea “Picco” Piccardi Guitars (lead)
Davide “Dave” Moras Vocals
Marco “Mark” Lazzarini Drums
This is their sixth studio album, released in August 2023.
Hell in the Club. If you listen to this album without knowing anything about them, you will think, Huh? everyone would think, “What?”, the band’s unique vocals are very impactful. And if you are a heavy metal fan, there is one band that comes to mind, Elvenking, whose vocalist is also the vocalist of this band. The band was formed as a project including members of Elvenking and Secret Sphere, and it has been 14 years since the band was formed.
The band has released 6 albums consistently. I honestly didn’t think it would continue this long, that’s my personal impression. And I am very happy to say that all six albums have been good releases.
The musicianship has remained the same as ever this time, and the process has not disappointed us, indeed. The members of the Italian band, who have been in the business for a long time, are very professional, and both Elvenking and Secret Sphere have released albums, and I personally enjoyed the latest releases, so I am surprised at the amazing career and the talent that they have. And very active. This is great for fans.
Listening to the album in full, I find myself feeling nostalgic and at the same time I notice that there is a feeling of modernity and freshness to it. Is this because the members are always active and keep being inspired?
This is definitely a piece I can recommend!