First Signal – Face Your Fears

First Signal – Face Your Fears
Mari’s score 80/100 pts.
First SignalはHarem Scaremのシンガー、ハリー・ヘスを中心としたプロジェクト。
First Signalのスタジオアルバム
First Signal (2010)
One Step Over the Line (2016)
Line of Fire (2019)
Close to the Edge (2022)
Face Your Fears (2023)
これは彼のプロジェクトFirst Signalの5枚目のスタジオアルバム。
Harry Hess – Vocals
Michele Guaitoli – Bass, Additional Guitar(TEMPERANCE, VISIONS OF ATLANTIS)
Marco Andreetto – Drums(PERPETUAL FATE)
前作でもゲストミュージシャンとして貢献したSEVENTH CRYSTALのクリスティアン・フィールがバック・コーラスで参加。
前作のリリースは2022年で今年もリリースされるとは!うれしい限り。ハリー・ヘスのソングライティング能力はもう何十年にもわたって証明されており、今作においてもその能力は十分に発揮されている。ヴォーカリストとしても十分魅力があり、歳を取るにつれ円熟した歌唱で、私たち古くからのファンを楽しませてくれる。とにかくメロディが素晴らしく、メロディックハードロックは彼に任せておけば間違いない。さすがに前回のリリースから一年しか経っていないので、内容について一抹の不安があったが、心配する必要はなかった。ただ新しい要素や実験的なものを期待するなら、それは全くないと言っていいだろう。SEVENTH CRYSTALのクリスティアン・フィールがバックコーラス、という事だができれば個人的に彼に一曲フルで歌ってほしかった。(彼は透明感のある声を持つ素晴らしいヴォーカリスト)とにかくメロハーファン必聴の一枚。去年に続き今年もリリースして私たちに驚きと喜びを与えてくれるハリー・ヘスにただ感謝!ありがとう!

First Signal – Face Your Fears
Mari’s score 80/100 pts.
First Signal is a project led by Harem Scarem singer Harry Hess.
Music style is hard rock.
Harry Hess is a Canadian record producer, singer and guitarist best known as the frontman for the Canadian hard rock band Harem Scarem.
First Signal studio album
First Signal
First Signal (2010)
One Step Over the Line (2016)
Line of Fire (2019)
Close to the Edge (2022)
Face Your Fears (2023)
Line up
Harry Hess – Vocals
Michele Guaitoli – Bass, Additional Guitar(TEMPERANCE, VISIONS OF ATLANTIS)
Marco Andreetto – Drums(PERPETUAL FATE)
Kristian Fyhr of SEVENTH CRYSTAL, who contributed as a guest musician in the previous album, participated in the backing chorus.
Kristian Fyhr of SEVENTH CRYSTAL, who also contributed as a guest musician on the previous album, joins on the backing chorus.
The last album was released in 2022, and I was surprised that it will be released again this year! We are so happy. Harry Hess’ songwriting abilities have been proven over the decades, and they are on full show on this album. As a vocalist, he has enough attraction to please us old fans with his mature singing as he gets older. His melodies are just wonderful, and you can definitely leave melodic hard rock to him. As expected, it has been only a year since his last release, so I had some worries about the content, but there was no need to worry. If you are expecting something new and experimental, I can tell you that it is not there at all, and I personally wish that Kristian Fyhr of SEVENTH CRYSTAL would have sung a full song on the backing chorus. (He is a great vocalist with a clear voice.) Anyway, this is a must-listen for melodic hard rock fans. Thanks Harry Hess for surprising and surprising us with another release this year after last year! Thank you!
