Kamelot – The Awakening
Mari’s score 80/100 pts.
Kamelot は、 1987 年にThomas Youngbloodによって結成された、アメリカのパワーメタルバンド。
2023 年の時点で、12 枚のスタジオ アルバム、3 枚のライブ アルバム、2 枚のライブ DVD、20 枚のミュージック ビデオをリリースしている。
1993 年にバンドはNoise Recordsと契約を結び、1995 年にファースト アルバムEternityをリリース。
バンドの次のアルバム『ドミニオン』は1997年にリリースされた。その年の後半、ヨーロッパでのツアーの後、創設メンバーのリチャード・ワーナーがバンドを去り、ドラマーのケイシー・グリロが加入。ロイ・カーン ( Conception ) が新しいリード ボーカリストとして採用された。それ以後、特に日本やヨーロッパにおいて人気が急上昇した。2005年には、以前からツアーに帯同していたオリバー・パロタイ(Key)が正式加入し、5人編成となる。
2012年、カーンの後任として「SEVENTH WONDER」のトミー・カレヴィック(Vo)が加入。同年秋、カレヴィック加入後初となるアルバム『シルヴァーソーン』をリリース。なお、カレヴィックはSEVENTH WONDERを脱退せず、両バンドの活動を続けている。
Simone Simons(Epica)、Oliver Hartmann、Sascha Paethなど。
Kamelot – The Awakening
Mari’s score 80/100 pts.
Kamelot is an American power metal band formed in 1987 by Thomas Youngblood.
The band’s name comes from King Arthur’s legendary castle, Camelot.
As of 2023, the band has released 12 studio albums, 3 live albums, 2 live DVDs, and 20 music videos.
In 1993, the band signed with Noise Records and released their first album, Eternity, in 1995.
The band’s next album, Dominion, was released in 1997. Later that year, after touring in Europe, founding member Richard Warner left the band and drummer Casey Grillo joined. Roy Kahn ( Conception ) was hired as the new lead vocalist. In 2005, Oliver Palotai (Key), who had been touring with the band for some time, officially joined the band, making it a five-piece.
In 2011, Kahn officially announced he was leaving the band due to health reasons.
In 2012, Tommy Kalevick (Vo) of SEVENTH WONDER joined the band as Kahn’s replacement. In the fall of the same year, the band released its first album “Silverthorn” after Kalevick joined. Kalevick did not leave SEVENTH WONDER, but continued to play with both bands.
This was their 13th studio album, released in March 2023.
Guest Musicians.
Simone Simons (Epica), Oliver Hartmann, Sascha Paeth, and more.
Although there are some symphonic elements, this work has more of a power metal element to it than past releases. But I think it does meet the expectations of what Kamelot fans have come to expect. And with this album, Tommy Kalevick is doing a solid job of fulfilling his role as the band’s landmark vocalist. He has a clear voice that is elegant and emotional, rather than the wild heaviness typical of metal vocalists. It is truly wonderful. The melodies are beautiful, and the development of the songs is also very impressive. The guest musicians also add a nice spice to the work, and the whole is well put together. However, there are no memorable songs in the latter half of the album, which I personally felt was lacking. However, the work as a whole is quite decent and good.