Soulfly – Totem
Mari’s score 78/100 pts.
1996 年にブラジルのグループを去った後にバンドを結成した元Sepulturaのフロントマンであるマックス・カヴァレラによって結成された。
ソウルフライ は Sepultura のように、多くのスタイルのメタルをブラジルの部族音楽やワールド ミュージックに取り入れている。
マックス・カヴァレラ (Vo/G)
マイク・レオン (B)
ザイオン・カヴァレラ (Dr)
Soulfly – Totem
Mari’s score 78/100 pts.
Soulfly is a groove metal band from the United States.
It was formed by Max Cavalera, a former Sepultura frontman who formed the band after leaving the Brazilian group in 1996.
Soulfly, like his Sepultura, incorporates many styles of metal into Brazilian tribal and world music.
The band has made many lineup changes, and Cavalera is the only original member.
This is their 12th studio album, released in August 2022.
The current lineup is
Max Cavalera (Vo / G)
Mike Leon (B)
Zyon Cavalera (Dr)
OBITUARY’s John Tardy is the guest vocalist.
A fusion of the chaotic atmosphere of Soulfly and death metal and thrash metal. A work that maintains a heavy and thick sound from beginning to end. 4 out of 10 songs are compact with 2 minutes. The spirit animal of the last song has a groove feeling and is a very magnificent song, more than 9 minutes.
Twenty-five years after the band was formed, Max Cavalera’s traditional and his spirit of rebelling against the classical regime is a consistent album.