HNightwish – Human Nature
Mari’s score 76/100 pts.
2020年4月リリースされた彼らの9枚目のスタジオアルバムでCD2枚組。Disc 2ではオーケストラをフィーチャーしたインストゥルメンタル組曲を収録。
Nightwish – Human Nature
Mari’s score 76/100
Nightwish is a Finnish symphonic metal band formed in 1996. It is considered to be one of the bands that played the most important role in the breakthrough of music in this field in the latter half of the 1990s, and is known as a representative of operatic metal. It features female vocals. They have also been known to play power metal, folk metal and gothic metal. They have also been known to play power metal, folk metal and gothic metal.
This band has repeatedly changed members and continues to the present.
Their 9th studio album released in April 2020, a set of 2 CDs. Disc 2 contains an instrumental suite featuring an orchestra.
A work that can be said to be subtle for those who like and listen to hard rock and heavy metal. The quality of the album itself is high, it is artistic as music, and there is no doubt that it is a good classical work.
But you can’t expect it to be exciting and thrilling, dramatic and heavy. And although there is a catchy melody, it has no impact and does not leave an impression. It will be a good album, at least not for metalhead, but for some listeners.
Personally, there’s nothing wrong with this work, either technically or artistically, and I think it’s fine. But why, if there’s something else that attracts me through the fusion of symphonic elements and metal, this wasn’t the case.