Ten – Here Be Monsters

Ten – Here Be Monsters
Mari’s score 82/100 pts.
テン は、1995年にソロ・シンガーとして活動していたゲイリー・ヒューズ(Vo)によって結成された、イングランド出身のハードロック・バンド。

Ten – Here Be Monsters
Mari’s score 82/100 pts.
Ten is a hard rock band from England formed by Gary Hughes (vocals) who was active as a solo singer in 1995.
This is the 15th studio album released in February 2022.
This is an orthodox British hard rock.
Anyway, Gary Hughes’ wet and calm voice quality is wonderful.
I recommend it to anyone who likes beautiful and melancholy melodies and good quality hard rock. This album has a slightly simpler impression, probably because it emphasizes melody compared to past works. However, it is an excellent album that you can listen to immediately from the beginning to the end because you want to be in the world of Gary Hughes.
