Edenbridge – Shangri-La

Edenbridge – Shangri-La
Mari’s score 81/100 pts.
エデンブリッジ は、オーストリアのシンフォニックメタル・バンド。
1998 年にソングライターのアルネ・ランヴァル・ストックハマーにより結成され、ボーカルは女性シンガーのサビーネ・エデルスバッカー。
サビーネ・エーデルスバッハー – ギター/キーボード (1998- )
サビーネ・エデルスバッカー- ボーカル (1998- )
ドミニク・ゼバスティアン- ギター (2009-)
ヨハネス・ユングライトメイア- ドラムス (2016-present)
シュテファン・ギンプ – ベース (2017-)
今作において、ミュージックビデオにもなっている”The Call of Eden”は、ポップ寄りの明るいキャッチーなサビを含むハードロックソングだ。だが、他の曲ではパワーメタル寄りのシンフォニックメタルのものが多く、ヘヴィさが増している。

Edenbridge – Shangri-La
Mari’s score 81/100 pts.
Edenbridge is an Austrian symphonic metal band.
They were formed in 1998 by songwriter Arne “Lanvall” Stockhammer, with female singer Sabine Edelsbacher on vocals.
In 2000, the debut album “Sunrise in Eden” was released.
Other members have been replaced. Since then, 10 studio albums have been released.
It is the eleventh studio album released in September 2022.
The current lineup is
Arne “Lanvall” Stockhammer – Guitars, Bass, Keyboards, Piano, (1998-present)
Sabine Edelsbacher – Vocals (1998-present)
Dominik Sebastian – Guitars (2009-present)
Johannes Jungreithmeier – Drums (2016-present)
Steven Hall – Bass (2017-present)
Edenbridge’s music style is melodic, symphonic metal with many catchy elements like hard rock. In recent years, their music style has become softer and includes ballads.
In this work, “The Call of Eden”, which is also a music video, is a hard rock song with an uplifting catchy chorus that includes pop elements. However, many of the other songs are power metal and symphonic metal, and the heaviness is increasing.
If you think about female singers and symphonic metal, they include dramatic and classical elements that metal fans like, but it seems that they are not very conscious of including such elements.
It also means that it will be supported by a wide range of music fans.
This album isn’t unique, but for those who prefer progressive metal close to hard rock, it’s a great piece to enjoy.
